Welcome to the Empowered Services Suite
I help my clients nurture creativity, confidence, endurance, and significance through curated nutrition and fitness programming that caters to your individuality. I understand that, much like what you have to give to the world, the solutions you need in order to be empowered to go are unique, and so worthwhile.
I want a world where creatives feel worthy enough to have limitless energy and confidence because it makes their performance in their job noticeably more gratifying. It's the world I wish I had created for myself a few years ago, and it's why I'm on a mission to create that world now.
When you, as a creative, can utilize the most energy and flow in your pursuits- whether it be your passion project, your trade, or a voyage into the unknown- you unleash the supercharged significance you wish to
have on your audience.
1:1 Services That Turn Symptoms Into Solutions

Group and Workplace Wellness
As individual creatives, one can achieve a lot. Imagine the endless possibilities when a collective becomes unstoppable.
BeU Fitness & Nutrition understands this, and also offers group fitness and nutrition solutions for a fully supported community of wellness and health.

When I was at the height of desperation; wanting to lose weight, stop running to the bathroom in a panic, and just feel better about myself and more confident in my skin, I thought hiring a personal trainer would solve my problems.
That personal trainer didn't understand me at all. She sent me a program, said thank you so much and "get your workouts in and you'll feel great!" ​I needed guidance; I needed reassurance; I needed support from a nutrition AND fitness perspective (and dang do I wish I had seen that sooner).​
Which is why I offer the curated services that you'll discover in the Empowered Services Suite. Your needs are more than just a cut and paste job, because you aren't a cut and paste individual. ​
You can stop accepting that this is "just how it is." I did that for years as an aspiring and accomplished performer. I traveled the world with gastric upset and a rollercoaster relationship with my self and my love for what I was doing. I was experiencing corners of the world I never thought would have been possible for me in my lifetime, always with a discrediting belief that I could never experience my life to the fullest because of the low energy and questionable self- esteem that I held in myself.
That stops right now.
Bronwyn x

Book Your Pre- Consultation
​I'm here for you. I understand that you're investing valuable time into exploring solutions to your problems.​
If you have questions, I highly recommend setting aside some time so that we can chat together to get to know each other and get to know which programme will be the best fit for you and your goals.