Are you a creative?
Entertainers, educators, entrepreneurs, and business builders- I'm looking at you.
You have a desire to enact change and encourage others to see the world in different eyes through your laser focus, sharp- shooting straight talk, and capacity to unlock profound and lasting change.
You most frequently make this happen through self neglect in order to meet deadlines, share your vision, strive for excellence, and lead others who undoubtedly see you as an inspirational resource.
The work is gratifying, at a cost.

I'm Bronwyn Barry.
A Nutritional Therapist and Personal Trainer who helps high performers find the confidence, energy, and productivity to enjoy more in life and your creative pursuits.
It breaks my heart to see creatives sacrificing self for success. I see the anxiety that comes with saying "yes" in order to get ideas off the ground and structure established behind execution.
You can stop accepting that this is "just how it is." I did that for years as an aspiring and accomplished performer. I traveled the world with gastric upset and a rollercoaster relationship with my self and my gifts. I was experiencing corners of the world I never thought would have been possible for me in my lifetime, always with a discrediting belief that I could never experience my life to the fullest because of the low energy and questionable self- esteem that I held in myself.
Much like any creative venture, there is not a singular element that doesn't make even the slightest difference in how you conduct yourself most effectively. You deserve to feel like you actually want to put your self and your health first in order to achieve more in your personal and professional life- not the other way around!
I discovered that, by addressing the five cornerstones in Empowered To Go for myself, I was able to enjoy more in life and pour more of myself into my creative pursuits. I went from feeling insignificant, to unstoppable. It's time you felt like that, too.
I want a world where you feel worthy enough to have limitless energy and confidence because it makes the effort you put into your job noticeably more gratifying. It's the world I wish I had created for myself a few years ago, and it's why I'm on a mission to create that world now.

Read the latest on the Be(ing)U Blog
Where I spill the real truth on what matters to your health, and what the influencers want you to believe.
Here Is Where You Start To Create Change.
If you thrive off of the sense of community through group fitness classes and corporate seminars.
Five Foundations of Becoming Empowered To Go
Develop a concise training plan that capitalizes on your time, and energy.
Stress Handling
Get clear on how being clear- headed works better for you.
Create food freedom, maximizing both what and how you're eating.
You're not just resting "easy," you're resting better.
Most importantly- my clients learn how to do it anywhere they want.
What Other Empowered Creatives Are Saying.
Book Your Pre- Consultation
All of this started with a ROUGH chapter in my life; gaining weight with zero energy left in the tank, my gut feeling like it was all over the place.
It sucked, because I really REALLY loved my job...but I didn't know where to start when it came to getting my life back.​
I value education, empathy, accountability, and realism as I have seen these very assets empower creatives to stop seeking validation through work alone. I want you to feel like you've got a safe space to connect with a practitioner, for free, to get the answers you need.